Sunday, 13 March 2011

Identity creation in a New Media World

Analogously, face-to-face communication and mediated communication both fuel stereotypes within contemporary society. As a run of the mill teenager walking the path of self-discovery, it is stereotypes thrown at me from a young age that have seemingly shaped how I am viewed by the world around me. With the rise of mediated communication the individual’s ability to express identity in new forms has simplified the act of self-reformation. We as individuals are given the opportunity to thwart stereotypes and reconstruct them to suite the person we want to be.

The connections one shows through new media outlets, such as social networking sites, are an expression of self that can be a defining characteristic of ones identity. “Seeing someone within the context of their connections provides the viewer with information about them. Social status, political beliefs, musical taste, etc, may be inferred from the company one keeps.” (Donath and Boyd 2004, 72) The connections one chooses to display ultimately shape the way the public views their identity. New media is an outlet for individuals to redefine their identity through self allocated connections, ultimately, providing a means to diminish unwanted stereotypes. “Online users…can deliberately choose to put forth identity cues or claims of self that can closely resemble or wildly differ from reality.” (Pearson 2009, 1)

With social networking sites storming the Internet, the intersection between new media and the self has expanded greatly. The rise of new media has provided a means for expression, recreation of self and divergence of media privileged stereotypes. Through the display of public connections we can now create our own identity and influence the construction of stereotypes in a positive and empowering manner. Go forth and create your identity! 

Reference List:

Pearson, E. (2009). “All the World Wide Web's a stage: the Performance of Identity in Online Social Networks”. First Monday, volume 14, Number 3. Accessed March 12, 2011.      

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